Marketing The Center for Unity

Marketing The Center for Unity

Our efforts will double as we finish Q1 and enter Q2, where we will have a beta model of the Jesus Metaverse.

Marketing: Newsletter January 2023 Edition

By Santiago Kneeland

The marketing efforts have been launched!

Santiago Kneeland

There are many things happening on the marketing front.  We’ve developed a plan that includes different initiatives intended to create awareness of the CFU as well as raise funds for its projects.  The main objective at this stage is to inform The Urantia Book readership of our existence and what our projects are all about.  The secondary objective of these efforts is to find donors, volunteers and collaborators that can help us in our efforts.

These are the marketing activities we have launched:

  • Mailing Campaign.  An email was sent to a database of Urantia Book readers, where we talk about the CFU and its projects.  We invited them to visit our website where they could donate, and register as volunteers or subscribers.  The purpose of this campaign was to create awareness, so that the readership can familiarize themselves with the CFU.
  • Facebook.  We began a weekly posting on our facebook page.  The topics are diverse, with the intention of creating a responsive engagement with our audience.  Among the topics presented were:
  • Jesus Before Christianity
  • The Fatherhood of God & Brotherhood of Men
  • The Mission of the CFU
  • Quotes from The Urantia Book on the Teachings of Jesus.

The process is to publish on our facebook page, and share with many of the Urantia Book groups found in facebook.  We directly ask the audience to engage and comment on our posts.  We’re very happy that the posts have had hundreds of interactions and our reach has been in the thousands. Just like the mailing campaign, the purpose of this effort is to create awareness about the CFU, and to have responsive interactions with the audience in order to explore the topics we’re presenting.

  • USA P.R. tour.  We are organizing a "good will" tour this spring where Gabriel Rymberg will be visiting the United States' Urantia Book associations, societies, and study groups.  This will be a month-long trip that will cross the entire nation.  We are working with the UAUS to map out the tour and engage as many people as possible.

The purpose of this tour is to have 1 on 1 conversations with the readership, where we will present the CFU and its projects.  We understand that a personal engagement with Urantia Book readers is essential in order to raise awareness and the talent and treasure needed to continue our mission.

If you would like to include your association or study group in our tour, please contact Rick Lyon ( or Katrina Glavan-Heise ( to arrange a visit.

  • Ambassador Program.  We’ve developed an Ambassador Media Kit, and are incorporating people that want to serve as ambassadors of the CFU.  The purpose of this initiative is to incorporate people that want to spread the word of our projects and the CFU.  This kit includes all the basic information where our ambassadors can “go out into the world” and present the CFU.  They will be able to engage any person and help us communicate our mission.

These are some of the efforts we’ve launched on the marketing front, but there are many more on the front and back burners.  We are rolling them out in an orderly fashion, so that we can create the most impact.  Our efforts will double as we finish Q1 and enter Q2, where we will have a beta model of the Jesus Metaverse and our efforts will expand beyond the Urantia Book readership.