Meditations With The Divine – Featuring Sandra Rymberg #1

Meditations With The Divine – Featuring Sandra Rymberg #1

Sandra is an extraordinary ambassador of heaven as she brings peace to our souls even in the midst of war, suffering and chaos.

Meditations With The Divine #1
Featuring Sandra Rymberg

By Susan Lyon

Sandra Rymberg

Many of us at The Center For Unity realize the rare treasure we have in Sandra Rymberg as our "voice" of calm reason, beautiful spirit, and loving attitude.

Sandra brings the warmth of her Peruvian upbringing and the Fruits of the Spirit with her wherever she travels, and she certainly always adds an additional essence of humility, grace and beauty when she leads our group in prayer and worship.

For quite some time, we have encouraged Sandra to share her lovely Meditations With the Divine for our Behind The Scenes audience, and we are pleased to be able to offer this first video to all of you this month, filmed from her home near the Sea of Galilee. Sandra, the wife of our visionary leader Gabriel, is an extraordinary ambassador of heaven herself as she brings peace to our souls even in the midst of war, suffering and chaos.

Just click here to view the video of our beloved Sandra. Sit back, relax, and prepare to be blessed! We sincerely hope you will enjoy this meditation session.

When The Center For Unity began work on Discover Jesus, Sandra led the team during the initial phase of the Data Curation work. Currently, Sandra is involved with the Translation Teams to create Discover Jesus essays in other languages, and she has recently added on responsibilities involving developing Human Talent / CFU Ambassadors to serve our growing projects.